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Rev. Mario de Ferrari Retirement Celebration

by Ken Harrison

Pictured here: Rev. Stu Smith, Rev. Cathy Ellicott-Carver, Rev. Mario de Ferrari,

Rev. Kathy McCall and Ken Harrison

On Sunday, July 29, 2018, Christ Church Unity in Anaheim had a milestone day – a “tri-ganza” according to one congregant. Not only was it the church’s 54th anniversary, but longtime minister (30+ years), Rev. Mario de Ferrari retired.

After a 2-½ hour service of admiration and thankfulness for Mario’s leadership, a wonderful luncheon was held with more celebrating. Rev. Mario was honored with the formal naming of the church’s Fellowship Hall after him.

“When I got here, they thought I wouldn’t stay. After I stayed, they thought I wouldn’t leave,” he said at the dedication. He was also given financial gifts to support his trip to Portugal, and sung to by the Y.O.U.’ers.

Attending from the SW Region were Rev. Cathy Carver, Assoc. Minister at Unity of Carlsbad (and one of Mario’s classmates), Rev. Kathy McCall of Unity of South Bay, and Ken Harrison, Director of the Unity Church of Alhambra Foundation.

The church also welcomed Rev. Stu Smith, a longtime congregant, now named as their new Spiritual Leader.

Mario with Fillmore descendant, Rosemary in 1991
A young Reverend Mario with Rosemary Fillmore Rhea (1991)

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